Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Reasons I use Screencastify

Below are three reasons why Kristin Bundren uses Screencastify in her classroom.

Student presentations take too much class time...
Instead of taking class time for student presentations, you can have your students use Screencastify to record their presentations and post them on your blog or Google Classroom. Then students can watch the videos at home or during AO. Click here to see a video explanation!

Students can learn even if I am not there...
This semester I started using Screencastify to record lessons. This is great to use for sub plans, virtual classrooms, or students who are absent. Students watch the lessons on their own device at their own pace. Click here to see a video explanation!

I am sick of repeating myself over and over and over...
It happens almost daily. You take class time to go over project guidelines, debrief a lab, or show students how to cite a source, but one student is falling asleep, another is thinking about his test next period and another is *gasp* texting. They raise their hand and ask you the exact thing you just went over. You could tell them to ask a classmate, have them come to AO, or ignore them OR you could direct them to your website or blog for a video! Click here to see a video explanation!